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YU News

The Welcoming Committee

may23_1The freshmen are nearing the end of their first year of high school, right in time to lend some guidance to the next crop of incoming Central students! The Class of 2020 was welcomed to our building last Sunday for a lively "Freshmen Fair" to introduce them to our school and to each other. The fun began with a chesed project in which small groups of eighth-graders exercised their team-building skills while designing blankets for campers at Yachad Morasha. may23_2Everyone also played a hilarious round of "Human Bingo" to break the ice. Then all participants ventured outside for a "Freshman Fair," complete with carnival games, pizza, and ice cream. Thank you to the members of our faculty who attended the fair to meet their future pupils and to the current Central students who warmly welcomed the eighth-graders to our Central family. Thank you also to Ms. Daniella BaratzMrs. Aliza Gewirtz, and Mrs. Shani Malitzky for arranging a fun and energetic morning!