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The Challenge of Received Tradition

CORTNaomi Grunhaus, Professor of Judaic Studies at Stern College for Women, presents new insight into the commentary of R. David Kimhi (acronym Radak). The Challenge of Received Tradition (Oxford University Press) is the first since Frank Talmage’s seminal 1975 work to delve exclusively into Radak’s exegesis. Integrating midrash and rabbinic teachings, Prof. Grunhaus examines Radak’s interpretative strategy, which emphasizes grammar and syntax to extract straightforward meaning from biblical text, peshat, while revering the earlier, classic interpreters who extracted rabbinic rulings and moral messages, derash.  By balancing the two seemingly contradictory methods, and exploring Radak’s thought and choice of words, she aims to help the student or scholar read his commentary with greater critical and analytical understanding. Posted by Hallie L Cantor