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Mrs. Heidi Fuchs Speaks to Juniors to Conclude Career Month Lunches

by Ori Putterman ('14) fuchsOn Wednesday, the fourth and last of our Career Lunches took place; this lunch, in which pizza was provided, was presented by Mrs. Heidi Fuchs, Operations Manager at YU's Office of Undergraduate Admissions and mother of Zack ('04), Corey ('07) and Elliot ('14). Mrs. Fuchs spoke about her experience in helping job applicants, often just out of college, apply for their first job. Many of the skills and tips she shared, including how to prepare for an interview, could come in handy when applying to schools, scholarship programs, and yeshivot. Much thanks to all four of the parents who shared their time with us over the past month, including Mr. Mark Newman, who spoke about his job at the IRS; Ms. Rochelle Shoretz, who told stories of her careers in law and at Sharsheret; and Mr. Mony Weschler, who spoke about his job in technology at Montefiore Hospital. All four have had interesting and productive careers of which they are proud, and all four in non-traditional jobs. They were extremely entertaining, as well as very illuminating and enlightening. The Career Lunches was a very successful program, and we look forward to continuing it next year. Special thanks to Mr. Murray Sragow, our Director of College Guidance, for coordinating this program.