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Ulpan Classes Celebrate Culmination of School Year at Golan

by Moshe Bochner ('13)
Last week, as a culmination of a year of learning practical and conversational Hebrew, forty members of the senior class were treated to a free lunch at Golan Heights Grill. To celebrate their success in mastering conversational Hebrew, both of Morah Haibi's twelfth grade Hebrew Ulpan classes were invited to the Israeli style restaurant. Along with Morah Haibi, Mrs. Rosenberg and Rabbi Taubes, the students sat at several tables in the restaurant and conversed in Hebrew among themselves and with the teachers. A delicious Israeli lunch, Hebrew conversations, and camaraderie among students and teacher alike was a proper way to end a wonderful year of Hebrew language education. Thank you to Morah Haibi and Golan for a wonderful lunch outing!