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No Talking for Tehilla

A little over a year ago, Tehilla bas Shoshanah was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a severe congenital heart defect in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped. Tehilla's mother started a blog called "TEHILLA'S HEART JOURNEY" where she regularly updates Tehilla's progress and challenges. Our own Rabbi Gopin has been following the blog since she was born. Currently, Tehilla is in need of rachmei Shomayim as she prepares for the next stage in her treatment. Rabbi Gopin decided that as a zechus for Tehilla, he would ask his talmidim  to do something that is rather difficult for many of us. He asked them to refrain from engaging in any idle talk during davening. The response has been tremendous, as his talmidim have truly risen to the challenge, baruch Hashem. Every day Rabbi Gopin hands out a picture of Tehilla at the beginning ofShacharis with her name on it and the name of our project as well -"NO TALKING FOR TEHILLA". Her mother has thanked Rabbi Gopin and his shiur in her blog. We hope to spread this project to other shiurim in the Yeshiva as well. Please visit "TEHILLA'S HEART JOURNEY" at