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MTA Alumni in Eretz Yisrael Reunite

Over winter break, both Rabbi Taubes and Rabbi Shulman traveled to the various yeshivot in Eretz Yisrael to visit our many alumni currently studying there. While there, they delivered Shiurim and words of chizuk to the MTA graduates and others. "It was wonderful seeing how well our boys are doing. It brought me great nachas that in yeshiva after yeshiva, the rebbeim commented to me on how well prepared our alumni are for advanced Torah study," said Rabbi Shulman. Indeed, Rabbi Taubes likes to refer to this trip as his yearly "nachas trip." On Motzaei Shabbos, January 23rd, MTA hosted a special Melave Malka at the OU Center in Yerushalayim where the shana aleph and the shana bet students from MTA had the opportunity to reconnect, enjoying good food, divrei Torah, and "Lions for Life" spirit.