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YU News

MTA's Final Blood Drive of the Year

by Shuey Boniuk ('16) This year's third and final blood drive was another great success, with forty-two donations of a pint each, or a total of five and a quarter gallons of blood. These donations will provide blood to approximately three people per pint, or 126 people, who so desperately need this life-saving blood. It will assist these people to recover from either their ailments or motor vehicle accidents. This communal accomplishment of both the MTA student body and faculty, which was accomplished despite the pressures of upcoming finals and AP exams, truly speaks wonders of the generous hearts of the MTA community. I would personally like to commend my fellow donors and Arista volunteers for their collective contributions, which enabled this event to be so successful. Finally, the nursing staff provided by the New York blood center cannot be thanked enough for their accommodative service and attitudes.