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MTA Celebrates Israel @ 68!

by Raziel Siegman ('17) 8927c9a7-16e3-4229-b7ed-839b7f337bf2 As the students arrived at school on Yom Ha'Atzmaut, a special sense of Ruach and Simchah could be felt in the air. Before concluding Shacharis with a singing-filled Hallel, Rabbi Taubes addressed the student body about the privilege we all now have to be able to go to visit, live in, and enjoy Eretz Yisreal whevnever we want - something most of our ancestors could only dream about. After an abbreviated morning Shiur, the boys danced and sang their way into The Lion's Den for the annual Yom HaAtzmaut Chagigah. The Chagigah started with energetic dancing with the Rebbeim. Following the dancing, Yosef Brander ('12), an MTA alum and IDF veteran, spoke about his experiences in the army and in Eretz Yisrael. Yosef, now a YU student, discussed how as a soldier, the transition from the mourning of Yom HaZikaron to the celebrations of Yom HaAtzmaut is a difficult and complicated one. However, it is impossible to have triumphs and successes without hardships, and vice versa. Yosef also discussed how there will always be issues with Eretz Yisrael and it is therefore important to realize that we do not love Eretz Yisrael because it is perfect; it is far from it. We love Eretz Yisrael because it is imperfect, and it is our duty to make it perfect and help the land in any way that we can. We are able to step foot it Eretz Yisrael today only because of those who sacrificed their lives for it, and the future generations will not have an Eretz Yisrael to go to unless we make sacrifices to improve it. Following Yosef's inspiring speech, there was more energetic dancing. Some teachers also chose to discuss topics that related to Israel throughout the afternoon. Ultimately, it is important to realize how large of a gift Eretz Yisrael is to us, while thinking about ways to improve and contribute to it. To see more pictures from Yom HaAtzmaut, please click here.