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Mountain Lions Conquer Beaufort Mountain

7236c144-2887-4a7b-9d9e-abc0b5029f57 On Friday, May 27th, the MTA Mountain Lions had their final hike of the year, a strenuous and exciting hike up Beaufort Mountain to Surprise Lake. The hike, located in Abram Hewitt State Forest along the New York/New Jersey border, is one of the most spectacular in the New York metropolitan area. It includes fabulous vistas over Greenwood Lake, as well as fascinating "puddingstone" rock formations and interesting plants and animals. On the way back, the trail joins the Appalachian Trail for a few hundred feet, which gives a hiker the chance to dream of "through hiking" the entire 2000 mile route, from Georgia to Maine. Just past the summit, they encountered Surprise Lake, where they took a refreshing dip and cooled off from the hot ascent. They also enjoyed a hot dog barbeque, with food provided by Yosef Kurlantzick ('16). While on the Appalachian Trail, the group met an Eastern Milk Snake, commonly confused with the Eastern Rattlesnake. Fortunately, the Eastern Milk Snake is not venomous, and was not interested in approaching, but it did have a very impressive pattern. The Mountain Lions are considering an overnight camping and hiking trip sometime in June. If you are interested in joining, please contact Ezra Epstein ('16).