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Parents Enjoy Opportunity to Learn with their Sons

by Joseph Friedman ('18) 09eb3c7f-23cb-4918-bf6c-30d07f45cf44 Last Sunday, the MTA community, students and parents alike, were treated to one of the annual highlights of the school year. Parent-Son Learning Day provided a terrific chance for parents to really experience what their sons go through on a regular day. The remarkable day began with parents arriving together with their sons at 9:00 AM for an especially meaningful davening in Lamport Auditorium. After Shacharis, fathers, mothers, and sons gathered for a delicious breakfast of assorted pastries and fruit. Following breakfast, everyone gathered once again in the auditorium to listen to the delightful keynote speaker, the well-known Dr. David Pelcovitz, who discussed how the key to happiness is knowing oneself and what one is good at. Dr. Pelcovitz's presentation was full of colorful anecdotes and relevant moral lessons. After this captivating and refreshing lecture, parents followed their sons to their regular shiur rooms for an abbreviated shiur with the regular morning Rebbe, followed by another brief shiur in the Tanach classrooms. When the final bell rang, one could simultaneously see the joy from experiencing such an amazing morning and the melancholy of having it end, as the parents really got a taste of what it is like to be in our yeshiva every morning. It was a great day - pleasing, motivational, and chock full of insights and lessons that we can apply not only in school but at home as well.