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MTA Talmidim Participate in YU Purim Chagigah

by Elishama Marmon ('20) ec9b4feb-5a3b-4c54-9867-5944dc1e6428 This past Motzei Shabbos, Purim night, was time for the annual Yeshiva University Purim Chagigah. All MTA students and their fathers were invited to join the college students at the Max Stern Athletic Center for a night of singing, dinner, and dancing with friends, rebbeim, and Roshei Yeshiva. The MTA talmidim were privileged to be able to celebrate with Rav Yosef Blau, Rav Yitzchak Cohen, Rav Herschel Schachter ('58), Rav Meir Goldwicht, Rav Zevulun Charlop, Rav Yaakov Neuberger, Rav Herschel Reichman, Rav Michael Rosensweig, Rav Zvi Sobolofsky, Rav Moshe Tendler, Rav Mayer Twersky, and Rav Mordechai Willig. The energetic dancing of the MTA talmidim, along with the spirit of the Yeshiva University's college students, continued late into the night. The wild costumes, ruach, and of course, the inspiration of the rebbeim, made the Chagigah an unforgettable experience for all. Chagigah participants also were able to enjoy a special Purim shpiel from the YU Scope publication, a satire magazine that was founded by MTA students Yaacov Bronstein ('13), Daniel Goldstein ('13), A Lion's Life's editor Devir Kahan ('13), Yosef Sklar ('13) and Zach Sterman ('13) who matriculated to the college.