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Science Times

queens_science1Furthering their scientific acumen, students in Mrs. Ruth Fried's  AP Biology and Mrs. Miriam Chopp's  AP Chemistry classes attended the Queens College Open House, sponsored by the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces. They enjoyed a fascinating presentation introduced by Dr. Miriam Rafailovich, director of the Garcia Summer Research Program, about American primatologist, anthropologist, and conservationist Patricia Chapple Wright, PhD, and her lemur research in Madagascar. The YUHSG Science Institute was represented by Sara Teitelman (‘17), who spoke eloquently about her summer research experience. The girls enjoyed a game of "playful polymers," making silly putty and polyurethane milkshakes, and batteries made from orange slices. queens_science2They also learned about cardiac development research on zebrafish, and heard about studies focused on the effects of Hurricane Sandy on the emotional development of babies whose gestation was subsequent to the disaster. The spectacular chemistry magic show is always a favorite. Says Mrs. Chopp, “Students returned to school excited and inspired by the breadth and potential of their involvement in scientific research.”